JP51: new grades for turning
JP5120 is one of the long-standing presences in the Nikko Tools portfolio that has become a benchmark for threading thanks to its outstanding performances.
Nowadays, the JP51 grade in the versions JP5125 and JP5120 is available also for turning.
It is highly versatile, covering a broad range of applications from finishing to medium cutting operations and managing cutting speeds from low to medium-high.
The high content of Cobalt in the micrograin substrate leads to high-toughness inserts.
The JP5125 grade guarantees the highest reliability on ISO M materials. PVD coating with nano multilayer technology guarantees perfect adhesion and higher tool life.
The enhanced wearing resistance of the JP5120 combines with a special surface treatment that reduces the built-up edge phenomena on sticky materials, such as free-cutting steels and stainless steels.